Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We all have second chances...

People decided to blog for various reasons. To raise awareness for a cause, share funny stories about their children, complain about poor customer service or even pitch business ideas.  For many people, a blog is a way for them to communicate with others; some of which they don't even know.  That is the glory of the Internet revolution.  Individuals are given many outlets to express themselves.  So.. I am sure you are asking why I decided to blog.  And the answer is, personal therapy. 

To me, blogging will enable me to tell my life story on my own terms.  I have been given an opportunity to recreate myself as a human being several times.  I have endured many life challenges as well as health obstacles.  But the most important part is I have endured. I have survived.  I have been given many gifts in life... these are my personal miracles. 

I know that some will read my blog that have known me since childhood.  Others may stumble upon my blog that have never met me. Either way, I hope that the stories and thoughts that I share will inspire at least one person.  After all, life is a journey and I invite you to share my new journey in life with me.

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